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Upsell Marketing Campaigns
5/22/2019 4:36 PM
Ideally, all your clients would take advantage of all your services. Realistically, that's often not the case.
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2 Points Make a Line
5/22/2019 4:27 PM
I was not a good math student. Let's get that out of the way.
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New Product Alert!
4/1/2019 4:09 PM
Introducing Festuca - Home Marketing Assistant!
Read MoreAnd Me? I’m in a Rock and Roll Band.
3/22/2019 4:03 PM
In a move that surprised very few people who know me, I have joined a Grateful Dead tribute band.
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Making it Easy
3/11/2019 1:07 PM
Deep Down, Clients Seek a Single Source
This week, a client said a wonderful thing to me. “We would rather you guys just handle all of this work…you just make it easy for us.”
As service contractors, “making it easy” for someone is the name of the game.
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Exposure Points
3/11/2019 12:54 PM
“I’ve heard that prospects need to see your name 9 times before they respond.”
“How many times do you recommend mailing?”
“What kind of response rates can I expect?”
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A Tale of Two Clients
3/11/2019 12:51 PM
Happy New Year and welcome to 2019! Here’s hoping that this year is better for you than the last. We are really excited to help you and your business this year. Before we go any further, I wanted to share a story of two clients we lost in 2018, under very differing circumstances.
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Unbeatable Customer Service
3/11/2019 12:46 PM
Here in Cincinnati there is a company called Graeter’s that makes, arguably, the best ice cream in the world. Admittedly, I’m biased, but the stuff is truly fantastic. They use what’s called the french pot method, which basically means that they are doing it all in very small batches, and that all of their “…and chip” flavors have gigantic slabs of semi-sweet chocolate mixed in. I strongly recommend checking them out if you ever visit this area.
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A Question of Value
3/11/2019 12:32 PM
On the same day last week, I finalized the transfer of Focal Point to my ownership, almost 17 years after I first started working for the family business, and social media company Facebook had a tremendously bad day in the stock market. They lost 20% of their stock price, which amounts to somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 BILLION dollars.
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In Defense of Detailed Proposals
3/11/2019 12:29 PM
My mom still lives in the house I grew up in, a sprawling mid-century ranch that was custom built by the original owner in 1961. As time passes, the list of major projects seems to grow, and the current corrective action revolves around a block wall that is buckling outward due to poor drainage in the retained flower bed behind it. As you can see by this photo, it’s not something that can be ignored.
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