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Your customers need to know that improper lawn watering can do more harm than good. This Grow Note is great for teaching them the basics of watering lawns correctly.
Teach your customers to mow properly, and the lawn care services you provide will work even better. This Grow Note will give them the tips they need for mowing success.
Let your customers know that lawn disease can take a serious toll on their turf. This Grow Note discusses how lawn fungus diseases spread, and what can be done to prevent them.
Commercial property owners and managers know that image is everything. Use this postcard to show them how you can improve the beauty, value and overall curb appeal of their properties.
You offer a wide variety of services to keep lawns and landscapes looking beautiful year-round. What better way to promote your capabilities than with this “Season-Long Service” postcard?
The before and after photos on this Grow Note show customers and prospects what a difference slice seeding can make. Use it whenever you want to promote your lawn renovation services.
Bigger really is better! At 6" x 11", these huge custom postcards are sure to get you noticed. An easy way to make a big impression.
Your customers and prospects may not be aware of the role soil chemistry plays in lawn health. Use this Grow Note to show them how your liming service can encourage a thicker, greener lawn.
This bulletin explains why crabgrass is so hard to control, and discusses pre-emergents as an effective approach to preventing crabgrass seeds from germinating. Use it to let customers and prospects know that you won’t let crabgrass get