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This is a great tool for explaining what thatch is, and how thatch can become harmful if it’s allowed to get too thick. Use this Grow Note to promote aeration, slice seeding and dethatching as ways to improve lawn health.
Let your customers and prospects know that cold winter winds can take the green out of their evergreens! This Grow Note is perfect for selling antidesiccant sprays as a means of cold-weather protection.
Your customers will appreciate the opportunity to provide you with their feedback. Use this Grow Note to improve communications and improve customer relationships.
Do you have a customer or prospect in immediate need of new or replacement turf? This Grow Note can help to explain the ease and convenience of hydroseeding as an alternative to laying down sod.
Remind commercial customers and prospects that excessive weeds and undesirable grasses can detract from their properties’ curb appeal. Use this Grow Note to sell your vegetation control services as a means of improving property value.
Do you have customers with chronic lawn growth problems? If so, let them know that the problem might be in the soil. This Grow Note is perfect for explaining the benefits of your soil testing services.
Educate your customers and prospects about the dangers posed by the American dog tick and deer tick. Use this Grow Note to show homeowners how you can protect their children and pets from these unwelcome pests.
Are fire ants a problem in your area? If so, you can use this Grow Note to inform homeowners about the danger these pests pose while selling your fire ant control services at the same time.
This Grow Note does a great job of explaining the benefits of lawn fertilization to those homeowners who need a little convincing. Use it to sell this very important service to both current customers and new prospects.
Make sure every seeding job is a success with this after-seeding care Grow Note. It works great as a leave-behind to inform customers about what they can do to help their new grass along.