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Grow Notes

Our Most Popular and Versatile Sales Aides

Focal Point’s Grow Notes make it easy to educate, inform, and ultimately sell more services!

They’re conveniently sized for inclusion in your regular mailings, or to keep in your vehicles to leave behind after service calls. Our large selection of seasonal titles enables you to promote or upsell almost any new or existing service. Plus, our imprinting option lets you add your own personal touch!

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Showing 41 to 44 of 44 total

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  1. #304 - Tree and Shrub Care Grow Note

    Remind your customers and prospects that their trees and shrubs are an investment worth protecting! This Grow Note is perfect for promoting your tree and shrub care program.

  2. #303 - Slice Seeding Grow Note

    The before and after photos on this Grow Note show customers and prospects what a difference slice seeding can make. Use it whenever you want to promote your lawn renovation services.

  3. #302 - Grubs Grow Note

    Do your customers and prospects know how damaging grubs can be? Use this Grow Note to let them know how you can protect their lawns from these destructive pests.

  4. #301 - Aeration Grow Note

    The illustration on the front of this Grow Note provides a great visual of the aeration process. Use it to show your customers and prospects just how valuable your aeration service really is.

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Showing 41 to 44 of 44 total

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